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Goodman Law Office
Leonard C. Goodman: Rod Blagojevich was prosecuted for everyday politics. He deserves his pardon.
Chicago Tribune February 11, 2025 President Donald Trump’s decision to pardon former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich helps correct an...

Leonard C. Goodman: Rod Blagojevich was prosecuted for everyday politics. He deserves his pardon.
Chicago Tribune February 11, 2025 President Donald Trump’s decision to pardon former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich helps correct an...

Uhuru 3 files for judgment of acquittal in free speech case
Read this article at The Crusader By Sharon Fountain The Crusader November 6, 2024 TIn a significant post-trial development in what has...

Rumble: Mixed Verdict Reached in Case of Black Socialists Accused of Acting as "Russian Agents"
System Update with Glenn Greenwald September 14, 2024 Black Socialists' Mixed Verdict on Acting as Russian Agents; | SYSTEM UPDATE #333...

Tampa Bay Times: St. Petersburg Uhurus guilty of conspiracy, not guilty of acting as Russian agents
A federal jury deliberated all day Wednesday before returning a verdict Thursday, convicting the activists on one of two criminal charges....

Associated Press / Florida jurors deliberate about activists accused of helping Russia sow political division, chaos
Read this article at the Associated Press Associated Press Sept. 10, 2024 TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — Jurors in Florida will deliberate...

WTSP-TV / 10 Tampa Bay: Uhuru Movement Trial Day 2: US calls expert witnesses
The judge said at this time, the defense's objections are not backed up by submitted evidence. Read this article at WTSP-TV / 10 Tampa...

WTSP-TV / 10 Tampa Bay: Uhuru Movement Trial Day 1: US calls expert witnesses
All four defendants are or were affiliated with the African People’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement, which has locations in St. Pete...

Tampa Bay Times: Uhuru trial opens in Tampa with claims of Russian conspiracy, censorship
Members of the St. Petersburg-based Uhuru Movement face charges that they acted as unregistered Russian agents. Read this article at...

New York Times: Activists Charged With Pushing Russian Propaganda Go on Trial in Florida
Experts say the case offers a window into how the Russian government tries to influence American elections and promote its own...

Clearing the FOG podcast featuring an interview with Leonard Goodman and Penny Hess

Ralph Nader Radio Hour Interview with Leonard Goodman
Ralph Nader Radio Hour Interview with Leonard Goodman

Leonard Goodman Appears on ‘Chicago Tonight’ to Discuss Rod Blagojevich's Appeal
Watch Leonard Goodman's interview on WTTW's Chicago Tonight website.

Leonard C. Goodman: An important case threatening First Amendment rights is about to go to trial
An important case threatening First Amendment rights is about to go to trial.

The Real Reason Democrats Didn’t Stop the Barrett Confirmation
Both parties favor interests of corporations over workers and the environment, but these issues aren't discussed as there's no disagreement.

Op-Ed in The Chicago Reader – Profits Over People
The coronavirus showed how the government handled the pandemic not in favor of the people causing a massive crisis and a cry for change.

Rod Blagojevich Sentence Commuted (Video)
Leonard Goodman achieved a massive resentence for his client Governor Blagojevich who was able to be with his family.

The Iowa fiasco and the Democrats’ Shadowy Plot to Stop Bernie
It was just four years ago that the corporate hacks who run the Democratic Party rigged the 2016 primary election.

Op-Ed in The Chicago Reader - 2019’s Biggest Free Press Stories
The arrest of Julian Assange created a domino effect, exposing the Bush administration, causing the government to seal away whistleblowers.

Feds Focus on Foreclosure Fall Guys
Goodman represented realtor Calvin who was facing mortgage fraud, and abused the use of "straw buyers".

Quick Acquittal for Lawyer Accused of Letting Suspect Use Cellphone
A controversial trial sparked whether or not allowing the use of a cellphone is contraband or not basic knowledge, questioning those rules.

‘A Giant Sucking Sound’
While the two candidates speechify, behind the scenes they continue to push policies that favor corporate profits over middle-class workers.

Chicago Police Corruption; 2013 Report Released
Chicago police corruption has started to make headlines once again, and not just locally.

Leonard Goodman's Interview with NBC5’s Phil Rogers: Blagojevich Approaches One Year of Waiting For Decision
The Blagojevich case was so complicated, unfolding during two trials, with dozens of undercover recordings and labyrinthine charges.

Watch Leonard Goodman’s Interview with Phil Rogers of NBC Chicago “Blagojevich Marks 5 Years Behind Bars.”

Leonard Goodman and Patti Blagojevich Press Conference on Appellate Court Opinion

Leonard Goodman’s Latest Op-Ed in the Washington Examiner
The people who work under the government understand that they don't work for the people, but for the corrupt balance of power...

Leonard Goodman Sun-Times Op-ed: Our Corporate-Owned Politicians put Profits Over Lives
Corporate-owned politicians don’t care about the Constitution. How many of them have even read it?

Leonard Goodman’s Sun-Times Op Ed: Newly Leaked Phone Recording Reveals Rod Blagojevich’s Honest Intentions
Based on secret recordings by the government, Rod Blagojevich demanded full disclosure of the tapes during trial which never happened.

Bernie Is Right: The Military-Industrial Complex Is Alive and Well
As long as we continue to allow corporate funding of candidates for high office, we will continue to have corporate-driven policies.

Obama’s Drone Policy Crashes and Burns Yemen, the Poster Child for Drone-Based Foreign Policy, Has Collapsed on Itself.
The unraveling of Yemen should be a wake-up call for Obama loyalists

A Broken Writ, a Kangaroo Court
After Barack Obama signed the NDAA, authorizing detention without trail, revealed government abuse within terrorist related cases.

Leonard Goodman’s client Shawali Khan released from the prison at Guantanamo Bay
Shawali Khan's transfer and case has sparked the conversation about the laws of war and "war on terror" as many are held with no charge...

The Latest from Leonard Goodman “Sabotaging Peace with Iran” as Featured in “In These Times”
A deal with Iran may be bad news for certain powerful special interests, but it is good news for the rest of us.

Drone Justice is Blind
All we will ever know about the thousands of humans incinerated by our drones is that the CIA believed them to be terrorists.

Cell Phones in Police Stations: A Cautionary Tale
Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office sent shock waves through the Chicago criminal defense bar when it indicted Attorney Sladjana Vuckovic.

Jury Acquits Oliver of Murder, Deadlocks on Neglect Offense
After about 4½ hours of deliberation that ended late Friday, the jury acquitted Oliver of a first-degree murder charge.

Lawyer Defends Giving Suspect Phone in Interrogation Room
A lawyer on trial on charges she let a suspect in the slaying of a Chicago police officer use her cell phone in an interrogation room...

Legislate First, Ask Questions Never
After Rep. Todd Akin's remark on rape, exposed the sad disconnect from the people Washington is supposed to represent

Making Obama’s Kill List
After Albie Sachs abolished capital punishment, his influence caused a spark in unchecked power and the governments drone-war.

The U.S. Department of Double Standards
The feds prefer to bring such cases against people who don’t have access to corporate lobbyists – or even to private lawyers.

Assassinating the Rule of Law
It was Barack Obama's promise to end the lawlessness of the Bush years by closing Guantanamo, and his failure to keep these promises.

Wall Street Pulls Obama’s Strings
The manufacturing and industrial jobs that once sustained a vibrant middle class are gone, lost to trade and tax policies.

Give Americans Healthcare
One year after the passage of the Obama administration’s signature healthcare reform bill, the future of the legislation is in serious doubt
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